Cicadas Rhyme
@ Comaking Matters
Cicadas Rhyme was a guest of Co-making Matters at the 'Spiel um die Große Platte' event at Haus der Statistik in Berlin. On-site projects and associations presented themselves with concerts, workshops and exhibitions.
We were in the first container in the Otto courtyard and had a great time setting up the play space and playing off and online with the visitors of the event. Thanks again for the great experience!
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A retrospective of what happened last weekend during 48 Stunden Neukölln:
first of all, we really enjoyed ourselves! Also, we had many participants eager to participate in the game. We are very satisfied with this hybrid on-site/online format of Cicadas Rhyme and look forward to playing again!

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Cicadas Rhyme
@ 48 Stunden Neukölln 2023
Cicadas Rhyme is part of 48 Stunden Neukölln, a Berlin-based art festival held annually in the Neukölln district. The theme for 2023 is Playground and we have the privilege to be hosted in the beautiful location of Backkunst Endorphina - precisely you will find us in the old blue van parked in the courtyard.
23 to 25 June 2023
11 AM to17 PM
Elsenstrasse 52, 12059 Berlin
Come along or contact us to partecipate online!
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The postcards have finally arrived, and we have already started sending out the first ones to those who played with us during CODISCO in Brussels...

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What happened during CODISCO?
This was fun, thank you to all of you wonderful participants!
And here some snapshots of the games played:

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Cicadas Rhyme
Cicadas Rhyme takes part in CODISCO, a Brussels-based online and offline format that brings together people who want to share any kind of knowledge in a non-hierarchical environment.
A full day with many other workshops open to anyone who wants to participate.
5 June 2021
at 2.30 and 3.30 pm
(30’ each)
Program and subscription here.
3 April 2021
from 1 to 6 pm
(30’ each)
Program and subscription here.
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19-20 February 2021
AnthroDay 2021 – Antropologia pubblica a Milano
Rime di campo
(Field rhymes)
Talk and workshopwith Propagazioni, Cicadas Rhyme, Pierre Dupont and Francesco Bravin
19-20 February 2021
from 10.30 am to 4.30 pm
(30’ each)
19 February at 6.30 pm
Rime di campo brings together anthropological, artistic, educational and curatorial practices to reflect on the theme of field experience. The public is invited to experiment with Cicadas Rhyme, an improvisation game based on non-verbal communication that takes place by means of a video call. Participants are asked to use everyday objects to create visual compositions that recall each other in colour, shape and spatial arrangement. The dialogue between the frames develops through a continuous listening and observation process between the participants, and gradually generates a visual agreement. The game allows the participants to train different skills involved in collaborative processes and brings out relational and communicative dynamics.
The Focus Group with the collectives Propagazioni, Cicadas Rhyme, Pierre Dupont and the anthropologist Francesco Bravin, proposes a comparison between artistic, curatorial and anthropological practices regarding the field experience starting from the game Cicadas Rhyme. Among the issues addressed: the role of empathy and participation, the use of visual and non-verbal languages, and how to provide an account for the field experience.
Zoom Meetings
Registration for the event is compulsory and must be completed by 11.59pm on 16 February 2021. If you wish to cancel, please notify by email at cicadasrhyme@gmail.com
To register for a game session click here.
To register for the Focus Group click here.
Full program about AnthroDayMilano.
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More news soon!
Please, check our instagram page ︎ and subscribe to our newsletter ︎ to keep updated!